Friday, November 14, 2008

Tummy time (Day 15)

The Great Madini really wanted her arms out but take a close look at her right's not in the sleeve at all, but came up through her pjs. She's so silly!

During the 6:30 am feeding/diaper changing this morning, Mommy noticed Maddie's umbilical cord had fallen off. Her belly button isn't fully healed, but we're certain a bath will be in Maddie's near future. Maddie continued her morning routine of not wanting to sleep and not wanting to pass gas or poop. By 1:30pm, Mommy just wanted to take a nap, so Daddy came to the rescue and calmed his baby girl to sleep so both Mommy and Maddie could get some rest. Yeah for Daddys!
Uncle Rob and his sister Jill came to visit for awhile this evening. The grownups played downstairs on the Wii and Xbox, then ate some pizza. Maddie slept, ate, then slept some more. It was fun to have company.

1 comment:

How the SIDS Back to Sleep Campaign Caused the Autism Epidemic said...

If you are interested in learning about the SIDS Back to Sleep campaign please check out my blog or forward it to others.

My blog is very controversial because I advocate babies sleep on their stomachs like they did prior to 1992 in the U.S.

Basically back sleep prevents SIDS because it also prevents infants getting stage 3 and stage 4 NREM sleep which is the Deepest and most restorative form of sleep. Unfortunately, this is also when SIDS occurs. So, although SIDS rates have gone down (according to very unreliable statistics) we have also prevented a whole generation of children from getting the most restorative form of sleep - Deep Sleep (AKA Slow Wave Sleep). In addition we have an epidemic of Plagiocephaly and Torticollis now. Best of Luck!