Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sleepy Sunday (Day 10)

Mommy and Maddie slept for three hours this afternoon. Daddy put 6 confidence points on the Bears and lost. Maddie was very irritated this morning and Daddy discovered pushing her legs into her belly relieved the pressure. A simple game of pull-my-finger would have also worked.
Cindy and Nancy brought over dinner for us (again) and also had this Barack Obama cookie, delicious and presidential!

1 comment:

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

Glad some of you got a little rest! Isn't it crazy how they get out of the swaddle? It is also crazy how soon she will only fit in the BIG swaddle blanket and all the other blankets will be so small and won't even wrap around her body. Enjoy each day because they go tooo fast. That cookie shows her size...she is so adorable.