Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

We had a very nice quiet weekend. We saw Grandma, Grandpa, Joel, Jean, Jake, and Jaya.Maddie sat on her elephant for the first time.We went to Illinois State Beach - perfect weather, but the water was too cold to get in.

This picture is from today - Maddie in her new dress
Happy Anniversary Mommy & Daddy (Sunday)!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer is Coming (7.5 months old)

Since our last post we have done many things and Maddie has learned a few new things.
She can now sit up by herself, for the most part.She is getting better with using both hands and can pass things between them. Here she is reading her favorite book Barnyard Dance.And playing with the camera strapAnd she can hold a bottle a little better
She is also learning how to be more cute.
Hand in the sun
She loves her jungle!
We went to a BBQ at the Silverman's and Maddie did not want to take a nap. So we went outside and Cheyenne said hi.
Maddie, Caleb, Dee, and Cara - Are the kids holding hands?
We went to Rob's family's place in Indiana for a weekend and got some pool time in!
We also went for a quick boat ride.