Friday, February 27, 2009

Roll Over and Giggles

We got it on film!  She rolls over...

and then gives us a few giggles (though she's more interested in sucking her hand)...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Maddie Reads a Book

Maddie finds her book quite fascinating.  It makes crinkly noises and has silly pictures.  But it's upside down!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Some Fun Pictures

Mommy loves this picture. She wanted to chew on the ball, but her tongue kept going THROUGH it. It was pretty funny.

If you look back to one of the very first posts, you'll see Maddie in her carseat when we first brought her home. This is the same carseat - she has grown a lot!

Silly girl loves to smile for the camera!

Hanging out in her new outfit watching hockey with Grandpa and Daddy.

Her first nose pick. We just had to get this on film!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

100 Days Old

Maddie was all smiles for her 100 day birthday. Here Daddy holds her so Mommy can take a picture. We took a dozen photos and she smiled in all of them! NOTE: that is another barrette in her hair, it is NOT a bandaid as several have thought (all boys).

Tummy time on Sunday morning.

We visited Grandma and Grandpa on Sunday and Maddie was all smiles for her Grandpa.
On Saturday Daddy brewed beer with cousin Phil, "Uncle" Rob, Jason, Amanda and Gia on Saturday. Maddie had so much fun that she didn't want to take good naps, and ended up going to bed a bit earlier than usual.
On Sunday we took Maddie to Old Orchard to buy her first pair of shoes and a couple of new outfits. She loved being outdoors with us and wouldn't let us cover her up - she wanted to see everything. After shopping we went to Grandma and Grandpa's where she was smiley for most of the time, then got a bit overtired. She really doesn't like her naps!

Friday, February 6, 2009

First Barrette!

Mommy just loves the pretty barrettes that Maddie's cousin Eva wears, but Eva has a lot more hair than Maddie, so what's a girl to do? We found special barrettes that work even in the tiniest amount of hair! We practiced how to put in first on Daddy (no pictures were taken, sorry) and then put on Maddie this morning. Normally it'd go on the right-side, but she has a tad more hair on her left-side. So cute! Her expression is silly, "Mommy, really, do we have to get a picture of all my 'firsts?' A little privacy, please!"

Also, Mommy and Vivian saw Maddie roll over last night from her tummy to her back. We'll try to get the action on video this weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life is Good!

Maddie this morning sporting her warm "Life is Good" sweats from the Bryant clan and doing a little tummy time. Mommy still hasn't seen her rollover from her tummy to her back, but Daddy has seen it twice. (Mommy is beginning to wonder if Daddy is pulling her leg.) She is really holding her head up high!

Here Daddy offers Maddie some desserts at the Superbowl party last Sunday. She had a great time, even took a little nap in the middle of the chaos, but was overtired when we got home and took nearly 1 1/2 hours to fall asleep. She slept from 9:30pm to 7am, allowing Mommy a full night's sleep for her first day back at work.

This week has been about adjusting - Mommy going back to work and Vivian joining our family. Maddie and Vivian play a lot during the day, and Maddie has been taking three naps, but they are short (45 minutes at most). At night, she goes to bed earlier than normal, 6pm, and sleeps until 4am for a feeding, then again until 7-8am. Mommy is worried that she is sleeping too much at night and sad that on the days she goes into the office she doesn't see Maddie until the middle-of-the-night feeding, but Daddy reminds her that this is just an adjustment and eventually things will change (Daddy is so rationale). And furthermore, Mommy should not complain as she is getting 6 solid hours of sleep in a row this week.

Life is Good!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Vivian arrives and Maddie rolls over for the first time!

Vivian arrived from Sao Paolo, Brazil on Friday night. She is wonderful with Maddie and they have fun playing together. Vivian brought Maddie some children's books in Portugese, so we'll see if Maddie's first word will be in another language!

This morning, Daddy was doing tummy time with Maddie and she rolled from her tummy to her back. Mommy and Vivian did not get to see it and when we tried to get her to do it again, she was too tired. Hopefully soon we'll get to see (and maybe get on video to put on the blog).

Last night, Maddie slept from 6:30pm to 4am, when Mommy had to wake her because she had to nurse or she would explode. But she is starting to get into a routine of taking three naps during the day and going to bed around 6:30 or 7pm, waking between 7 and 8 am. If we can get her to one or no feedings during the night, Mommy would be very happy!