Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy's Last Day @ Home (Day 11)

Daddy has to go back to work tomorrow so Dee and Maddie will get some quality alone time - for the first part of the day. Grandma is coming over tomorrow afternoon which will be a relief. We saw a coyote today right behind the house. I guess we'll have to get a fence up once Maddie can play in the backyard.
Cindy & Nancy saw a deer swimming across the lake behind us - never knew deer could swim! Uncle Rob came over and we showed Maddie how to work the keg. Her first words may be "Spotted Cow". Aunt Jean recommended a pacifier for Maddie's constant need to suckle, so we started the Binky and it has helped settle her down and give Mommy some relief.
Almost forgot - the Wii results are in. The other day we weighed Maddie in at 7.5 lbs and tonight she clocked a full 8lbs! Elyria and Will Lee made us a wonderful dinner tonight - thank you so much!

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