Friday, November 28, 2008

Back at Grandma and Grandpas! (Day 29)

Grandpa tries to calm Maddie down - she wanted to look around and see what was going on.

Daddy and Maddie take a nap together. Maddie holds onto Daddy's pinky - such a tiny hand.

Aunt Jean snags a kiss from a very sleepy little girl.

Kyle, Erin and Dan hanging out with Maddie.

We came to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa Freise's again, after Mommy did a little shopping on Black Friday (just a run into Michael's to buy two things). Maddie got to meet Jay's cousin Ellen, her husband Dan, and their kids Kyle and Erin who were in for a hockey tournament from Missouri. Her Great Uncle Eddie came in too. Maddie just loved hanging out in Ellen and Dan's arms - they are pros! Uncle Joel, Aunt Jean, Jake and Jaya came later for dinner too. It was a great post-Turkey Day with family.

Feeding got tough again on Mommy overnight, so Daddy ended up doing TWO feedings in the middle of the night. He's the best Daddy ever and doesn't complain - he loves spending time with his little girl.

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