Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Few Firsts

We've been bad about blogging, but that's because we've had a lot of first moments with little Maddie!
  • First road trip to Indianapolis for a half marathon (Daddy could not run in it, but we cheered on the rest of the crew at the finish line...okay, it was actually the beer tent). Maddie was GREAT!
  • First taste of solid food - homemade pea puree. She'll try organic pear puree tomorrow!
  • 6 month checkup - Maddie is now 13 pounds, 6.5 ounces and 25 and a quarter inches long
  • First sitting up by herself
  • She's now taking two bottles of formula with 2 - 3 feedings of breast milk each day
  • We had one night where Maddie yelled for a half hour. We gave her some gripe water and she finally calmed down and went back to sleep. We think her tummy was gassy as we are moving her to formula and "food." One other night she woke in the middle of the night and was really hungry, but went right to bed after getting fed. Every day is a new one!
And the video portion of our program...

Peas please!

Lickin' her chops after the peas...

Swimming with Daddy

I can sit by myself...sort of...

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