Thursday, April 2, 2009

5 Months...and 3 Days

Amelie holds Maddie who is fascinated by the red light on the camera. Wide eyed little girl!

Aunt Nea gives Maddie a bottle and teaches her how to hold it on her own.

Mommy and Daddy are a little late in getting a "5 Month" post on the blog, but better late then never, right?

Maddie spent her 5 Month birthday with her Aunt Nea, who helped us out for the day as Amelie went back to Germany for the weekend.

For over a week now, Maddie has slept through the night (nearly 12 hours each night, from roughly 6:30pm until 6:30am). Amelie is trying to get her to move to two longer naps each day, but she still struggles to stay asleep for longer than 30-40 minutes during the day. She's also likes to stand on her feet (with our help, of course) and is getting stronger each day.

She has been a little "off" the past two days and sounds a bit stuffy on one side of her nose. She also has a little cough. Hopefully she'll feel better soon!