Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Maddie scoots around

Mommy brought Maddie a Hello Kitty scooter from Paris. Here's a video of Maddie explaining how she will use the scooter to go to the airport and pick up Connie and Sarah (Ra Ra), since they live in Germany and need a ride when they arrive. She has very specific places where they will stand on the scooter. Her imagination is so incredible!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Fairy Birthday

It's been a bit crazy around here...but Sybi took pictures of Maddie's 3rd birthday and we're finally getting around to updating the blog. Sorry these are a bit out of order.

Maddie gets a new Blabla and LOVES it!

So many presents and friends; so little time

Fairyland food station...

A Treehouse birthday cake...

Cake again...

The birthday girl - Fairy Maddie...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Craft Day

A growth chart to go in her "big girl bedroom" which will be her third bday present.
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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rainy Day

Rainbow ice cream and rain gear indoors. Silly girl!
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Random Picture

While playing around in Picasa, we found this cute photo of Eva and Maddie on their way to Claire and Ben's rehearsal dinner in early June. How cute!

Family Fun Days

For the second year, we took Maddie to Allstate Family Days. This year, at 36" tall, she was able to enjoy some rides! We started with the merry-go-round, with Mommy standing with her, but then the rest she did by herself!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gifts from Conny

Maddie got a fun package from Conny and is holding the cookies (while waiting not-so-patiently for Mommy to open them) here. Sorry the picture is on it's side, but can't figure out how to rotate once the picture has been uploaded from the Droid!)

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Catch Up

We have not been very good with our blog this summer, so here are some pictures throughout the months. Many, many are missing (some on Daddy's camera), as we have a new au pair, Sybi, who arrived in late June, we spent several days in Three Lakes in mid-July, and went to Lake Wawausee about a week ago. Maddie is getting really good at swimming!

Baby Joel arrived on June 3rd

Swinging on the porch with Eva in early June

Maddie at Cousin Claire's wedding to Ben on June 4th

Beloit bar run (20th year!) on July 9th

Trying on the flower girl dress for Dan and Sarah's wedding

Being silly in July

Shopping with Jessica and Amanda on July 17th

Maddie and Daddy at Sarah and Dan's wedding on July 30th

Alex the Fish became a member of the family in early August

Lunch out with the Aunties on August 28th

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday to Mommy! Conny made a really cool birthday cake!

Nice braids!
Making a German tradition called "Osterstrauß"- Osterstrauss.

Hand-painted eggs on lego lathe.
Helping pick Pussy Willow branches.
The completed piece!
The Easter Egg Hunt begins.
Conny and mommy help track down those last few eggs.
Showing off some of the items in the eggs.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


We're in Bensenville at cousin Jake's championship game. Go Blues!
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

What a snack

Cookie, raisins and tea. How dainty!
Daddy is on his way home from the pond hockey tournament and we can't wait to see him!
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mashed potato monster

Daddy was eatin his mashed potatoes and minding his own business when WHAM! Out popped a mashed potato monster.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day Blizzard

Quite a sight!

Lucky for us, our good friends and neighbors have a power-horse of a snow blower that we call "Big Bertha." Cindy is pushing and accidentally blows the snow right at Nancy!
Jay getting started on our driveway...
Maddie with the backdrop of the snow drift after we opened the garage door. Good thing it opened since our front door could NOT be opened!
The scene out the window first thing this morning. Straight ahead is the road...you can see mailboxes on either side. The first plow came through a bit later, but didn't return until evening.
Same scene from the night before as the snow started...
Here's an official map of the snowfall amount. If you're unsure where we live, it's just to the right of the REALLY RED area at the top of the map. Lucky us.